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Emerging Trends in Marketing

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In the next few years, we can expect to see some new emerging trends in marketing. These include Augmented reality, Chatbots, Shoppable posts and Internet of Things devices. The list is not exhaustive, but these technologies are sure to create exciting opportunities for marketers. Explore the following marketing trends. Let's start! And don't forget to share your views! Marketing is getting more complicated every day.

Shoppable posts

Shoppable post can be a powerful way to get customers to interact on social media and increase sales. They do not interfere with their Instagram browsing experience but provide a direct relationship between the brand's consumer and the brand. Shoppable posts, in an age where visual content is the king, can be a valuable tool for brands who want their customers to have an easy buying experience. Shoppable posts can actually help brands achieve a higher conversion rate, as they reduce click-throughs by up to 60% and convert more customers.

Augmented reality

AR-based marketing is increasingly popular. Businesses are using it for many purposes. Retailers can use AR to provide customers with an experience similar to those in the store, from trying on makeup to driving a car. AR can be used to give customers the opportunity to try out products without having to spend any money. While AR is a relatively recent technology, it has been proven to increase brand awareness and consumer satisfaction.


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Chatbots have seen a rise in popularity in recent years. Chatbots are a great marketing tool that allows marketers to personalize interactions with customers. While some brands are reluctant to include chatbots into their marketing campaigns for fear of losing customers, others have found this technology to be an excellent marketing tool. Here are some of the top benefits of chatbots and how to implement them for your own business. These tools can be used by any business to improve customer service and sales, as well as create a better brand experience.

IoT devices

Due to the increasing number of IoT devices, the IoT Device Management Market has seen significant growth. This is due to the rise of new business models and IoT device costs falling, as well as the proliferation of IoT applications. A Stanford University study has shown that six out ten North American households will have IoT devices. By 2022, the average household will have nine IoT devices, with nearly half of them video capable.


Consumers are becoming increasingly diverse as they access more information and communication channels. A consumer may buy both a high-end and low-end product at the same moment, or fly EasyJet from London to purchase a Gucci bag. This results in a consumer's choice being driven by an unbalanced combination of rationale and emotions. This is where segmentation comes into play.

AI powered content creation

AI-powered content creation has become a popular trend in marketing. This is because it gives businesses new ways of analyzing the performance and effectiveness of social media content. While most marketers have been using customer demographics to create content, AI-powered algorithms have advanced to the point that they can analyze the value of customers based on their location, behavior and preferences. AI-powered algorithms can be used by marketers to help them create content that is most appealing to their customers.

Buttons that can be activated by voice

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Voice technology has many uses. Voice technology is a great tool for marketing. It can be used to send out triggered messages, activate discounts and promote products. It can even be enjoyable. Here are some tips if you're interested in trying voice technology for yourself:


What is my ROI from using a Content Marketing Strategy?

Businesses that adopt a Content Marketing Strategy experience a 5-10x increase in return on their investment (ROI) than businesses that don’t.

A Content Marketing Strategy helps to generate leads, and sales.

It is also intended to give valuable insights into your company. These insights help you make smarter business decisions. For example, they can help you identify new opportunities and improve customer service.

So, if content marketing strategy is something you're interested in, here are some numbers:

Your overall revenue can easily be doubled

How can content marketing strategies be effective?

Before you can create a content marketing strategy, it is important to first decide what content type you want. Next, identify your target market and the ways they use the internet. Next, find the channels that best reach your target markets. Finally, choose the right keywords for each channel and write compelling copy for each piece of content.

How much should I invest in content marketing?

This depends on the number of leads you wish to generate. The average cost per lead ranges from $5-$10, depending on the industry. When we started our business, for example, we spent about $20 per lead. Now, we spend around $6-7 per lead.

Why do I need to have a Content Marketing Strategy. Why should I not only send out emails, but also post social media updates.

Two main reasons you might choose to ignore a Content Marketing Strategy.

  1. You may believe that email marketing or social media posts will be enough to get people talking and sharing your brand's story.
  2. You might think that posting on social media or email marketing is impossible if you haven’t tried it.

Both of these assumptions are wrong.

Email marketing, as well as social media posts, can be excellent ways to communicate with prospects or customers. However, they aren't enough by themselves.

Email campaigns alone will not help you reach your goals. You need to integrate it with a larger strategy. It won't be enough to just post on social media. These posts should be part of a larger plan.

A Content Marketing Strategy is the key to this success. Creating a strategy that sets clear objectives for each piece of content allows you to manage your entire content creation process.

As a result, your time will be more focused on other aspects of your business such as increasing your conversion rates and growing your audience.

Although there are many benefits to a Content Marketing Strategy it does not mean that it is easy.

But, having a strategy in place makes all the difference.

How long should my content marketing campaign be expected to last?

This will vary depending on industry and the type of product/service offered.

You might spend a month designing a new style of shoe if you're selling shoes. This could be an example: You launch a new product in August. Then, you continue to improve it throughout the year.

If you are selling clothing, one look might be for spring and one for fall. Keep your audience interested in new products and keep them coming back for more.

The length of time that your content marketing program lasts depends on your goals. For small-scale businesses, you may only need to focus on one channel. Larger companies may need to use multiple channels to reach their target audience.

What are the benefits from content marketing

By creating high-quality content, content marketing can help drive sales leads and sales. Content marketing also provides a steady stream of fresh, original content that can be used to promote products and services. In addition, content marketing increases brand awareness and trust among potential customers. Additionally, content marketing helps to project a positive image about your company.


  • An example of an overarching goal could be: "In 2022, we want to achieve a 20% increase in revenue created by organic content and generate 15,000 MQLs with a budget of $30,000." (semrush.com)
  • According to research compiled by Coschedule: Companies that publish 16+ blog posts a month get as much as 3.5x as much traffic as those that publish 0-4 posts a month. (criteo.com)
  • Progress indicators (0–100%) allow each team member to see how attainable each goal is and understand what remains to be accomplished. (semrush.com)
  • In fact, would pay more for a better customer experience, and 86% of B2B buyers would pay more. (neilpatel.com)
  • This marketing strategy landed Ford a 15.4% conversion rate. (neilpatel.com)
  • Forty-seven percent of buyers view 3 to 5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales representative. (mailchimp.com)
  • Companies that use content marketing see approximately 30% higher growth rates than businesses not using it. (mailchimp.com)
  • We found that 40% of businesses don't have a documented strategy yet. (semrush.com)

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How To

What is Content Marketing?

A content marketing strategy (CMP) helps you set your goals and objectives. It also gives you strategies to develop and execute your online presence. It is a guideline for achieving those goals through content creation, distribution, and other means.

The CMP can be broken down into three areas:

  1. Your overall strategy. How do you plan to achieve your goals?
  2. Your content strategy. Where are the best people to write, curate, distribute and promote your content?
  3. Your strategy's execution tactics - What channels will you use for sharing your content? What content types will you create?

These four components are essential for a CMP to be effective.

  • Goal Setting – Define and measure your target audience.
  • Audience Research – Get to know your ideal customers and where to find them.
  • Strategy - Develop a clear vision of where you're going. Divide it into smaller chunks.
  • Execution - Be realistic about your expectations and when you will see the results of your efforts.



Emerging Trends in Marketing